Understanding data types in Python.

A beginner's guide to exploring the basics of data types in Python.

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Variables in Python belong to a data type. A data type is a classification that shows which value a variable has. It ensures that correct operations are done to the variable without causing errors.

Data types in python fall into two categories: primitive and non-primitive types.

Primitive data types

Primitive data types contain simple values of data and are building blocks. They are:

  • Integer

  • Float

  • String

  • Boolean

Let’s look into each and their properties.


An integer is numerical data type that represents a whole number, both negative and positive.

num = 6


<class 'int'>

We can do arithmetic operations to them.

x = -6

y = 5

print( "-6 + 5 is" , x + y )#addition

print( "-6 - 5 is" ,x - y )#subtraction

print( "-6 *5 is" ,x* y )#multiplication

print( "-6 / 5 is" ,x / y )#division

print( "-6 % 5 is" ,x % y )#modulus

-6 + 5 is -1

-6 - 5 is -11

-6 * 5 is -30

-6 / 5 is -1.2

-6 % 5 is 4


A float is a numeric data type used to represent decimal numbers.

num = 6.0


<class 'float'>

We can also do arithmetic operations, just like the integers.

x = -6.0

y = 5

print( "-6 + 5 is" , x + y )#addition

print( "-6 - 5 is" ,x - y )#subtraction

print( "-6 *5 is" ,x* y )#multiplication

print( "-6 / 5 is" ,x / y )#division

print( "-6 % 5 is" ,x % y )#modulus

-6 + 5 is -1.0

-6 - 5 is -11.0

-6 * 5 is -30.0

-6 / 5 is -1.2

-6 % 5 is 4.0


A string is a collection on characters. An example is a name - like Aron. Aron is made up of four characters, ‘a’,’r’, ‘o’, ‘n’. They are enclosed with either single quotes or double quotes.

name = 'Aron'

surname = "Koech"





<class 'str'>
<class 'str'>

We can concatenate the variables to be one word.

print(name +' '+ surname)

print(name , surname)

Aron Koech

Aron Koech

We have combined the name and surname using string concatenation in the first line, with a space in between.

The second line of code uses comma-separated values to give the same output.


Boolean is a data type that represents a binary value, either True or False. It is commonly used to evaluate conditions in decision making processes.

x = -6

y = 5

print(x == y)


==(equality operator) is used to check if x and y variables are equal. If they are equal, it prints True, otherwise False.

Non-primitive data types

They are complex data types, that can store collection of values in different formats. They are:

  • Lists

  • Tuples

  • Sets

  • Dictionaries


Lists are data types that store a collection of values, such as integers and strings. They are stored inside [ ] brackets. Lists are ordered, meaning the order will not change. They are also mutable, meaning the elements can be modified after they have been created.

x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] # creates a list of integers

colors = ['blue', 'pink', 'yellow', 'brown'] # creates a list of strings

list = [5, 10.4, 'Purple', False] # creates a list of mixed data types




[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

['blue', 'pink', 'yellow', 'brown']

[5, 10.4, 'Purple', False]

To access an element in the list:


This prints the color element at index 2, which is yellow.

Lists can also be sliced.




['yellow', 'brown']

[2, 3]

[5, 10.4]

We can change an element in a list. Suppose we want to replace the second color to purple.

colors[1] = 'purple'


['blue', 'purple', 'yellow', 'brown']


Tuples are data types that contain ordered, immutable elements. The elements are enclosed in

( ) brackets.

x = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)


(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

We can access individual elements in a tuple by indexing, just like lists.


This prints the element in index 2, which is 3.

We can also access the range of elements using slicing.


(3, 4, 5)

This prints the elements from index 2 to the last element.


Sets are collection of unique elements. They are unordered and mutable.

x = (1,2,1,3,2,3,2,4,4,5)


{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

Only the unique elements are printed.


Dictionaries are data types that are made up of key-value elements in pairs.

They are stored using curly {} brackets.

dict = {'Eliud':1, 'Peter':2, 'Andrew':3, 'Mike':4}


{'Eliud': 1, 'Peter': 2, 'Andrew': 3, 'Mike': 4}

You can access individual values by referring to their keys.


This will return 1, which is its key.

You can also change the value of the keys.



{'Eliud': 10, 'Peter': 2, 'Andrew': 3, 'Mike': 4}


Data types are categorized into primitive and non-primitive. There is still more to cover on data types. Check out python data types to learn more.

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